higher degrees worldwide to equip with the tools for a higher purpose

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Campuses & Institutes


  • A new Apologetics Institute has been formed to train and inform believers in how to keep the TRUTH in today’s volatile environment of false teachers and false teachings – see tab on the left side of this page. Check out the video on "Which Bible."
  • Books by Dr. Day


  • Articles, teachings and sermons now downloadable  – currently no restrictions to access.

Welcome to Triune Biblical University

Welcome to Triune Biblical University; a university that is international in scope and localized with various national campuses around the world. If a local campus is not available, degrees can be received through correspondence academic training.

Lawrence E. Day, PhD, ThD

Matthew's Gospel tells us that the Lord Jesus gave the great commission to "teach all nations." We are a community of great commission scholars with the goal of equipping the saints to perform the ministry of spreading the true gospel and resisting the deceptions, false teachers and doctrines of devils that abound.

We have the Triune Professional Association for those who want to maintain ties with us as well as the capability to be ordained to help in your ministry. Contact us for more details.

If you have a local school and you would like to explore association, contact us to determine if you would like to join the International Collegium or possibly becoming one of our local campuses.

God Bless You,

Rev. Lawrence E. Day, PhD, ThD

President and Chancellor, Triune Biblical University

About Dr. Day

Dr. Day is an internationally recognized Christian leader and theologian. As president of the International Fellowship of Christian Businessmen (IFCB), his ministry included hosting breakfast outreaches at each national NRA convention as well as leading Christian business outreach ministries around the world. As president of the Full Gospel Business Mens Fellowship International (FGBMFI) in Bellevue, WA, he organized local airlifts of ministry to various FGBMFI chapters in the US and Canada.

Combining his calling as a theologian as well as a scientist/engineer, he has led many in a greater understanding of God’s truth in the inerrancy of the Bible with scientific proofs in conferences in North America, Europe and Asia. Manuscripts of these teachings are currently being developed.

As an international expert in software quality and process his career in the aerospace industry has included assignments as an analyst, engineer, and manager. He has been a keynote and conference speaker in North America, Europe and Asia where the Lord has provided opportunity to demonstrate His truth and love to many of the world’s technical leaders.

He is also an experienced expert FAA certified commercial pilot, and flight/ground instructor.