higher degrees worldwide to equip with the tools for a higher purpose
TRIUNE BIBLICAL UNIVERSITY NIGERIA CAMPUS BOARD OF DIRECTORSMain Campus:Gideon International School, Okota/Isolo, Along the Cele Express, Lagos State, Nigeria. +234-8067526267 Members of the Board:
Satellite Campuses:
The TBU Nigeria Campus offers worldwide Associate, Bachelor, Master and Doctorate degrees in Biblical Studies, Christian Education, Christian Counseling. Missiology and Divinity. Requirement 4 0 level credit pass in WASC/SSCE Diploma in Theology from a recognized Theological school. Special considerations and/or waivers for mature Christian leaders are available. Enroll now at any of our satellite campuses. Call the Registrar or any of the officers above. For international information, contact Triune Biblical University at https://www.tbuworldwide.com and select “Contact Us.” COURSES AVALABLE DEPARTMENTALLYThe following courses are available under the department of theology for students in Certificate to Doctorate level. Course code Course Title Course Units DEPARTMENT OF THEOLOGYTheo 101 Introduction to Bibliology 3 Theo 201 Bibliography 4 Theo 105 Theology Proper 4 Theo 102 Angelology 2 Theo 113 Ecclesiology 2 Theo 201 Christology 3 Theo 120 Pneumatology-1 3 Theo 220 Pneumatology-2 3 Theo 320 Holy Spirit anointing 3 Theo 104 Harmatology 2 Theo 230 Eschatology 3 Theo 321 Trinity and Human Argument 4 Theo 420 Science and the Theology 4 Theo 430 Sociology of Religion 3 Theo 330 Middle East in Prophecy 3 Theo 510 Analytical Theological Questions 5 DEPARTMENT OF RELIGIONRel 301 Science and religion 2 Rel 310 Phlosophy of Religion 3 Rel 101 Modern Cults 2 Rel 201 Modern Cult and Comparative Religion 2 Rel 305 World’s Religion 3 Rel 215 History of Religion in Nigeria 2 Rel 325 History of Religion in the World 3 Rel 450 Science of Past and Present Anointed Men 3 Rel 410 Science Anthropology and Religion 5 DEPARTMENT OF BIBLICAL STUDIES:Bib 110 Introduction to Bible Survey 2 Bib 210 Bible survey 2 Bib 101 Introduction to the new Testament 3 Bib 102 Introduction to the old Testament 3 Bib 103 New Testament Foundations 2 Bib 112 Oentateuch 4 Bib 253 Synoptic Gospels 4 Bib 121 John 2 Bib 230 Acts of the Apostles 3 Bib 232 Romans and Galatians 3 Bib 311 Daniel and Revelation 4 Bib 240 Introduction to Pauline Epistles 5 Bib 150 Introduction to Hermeneutics 2 Bib 250 Hermeneutics 2 Bib 251 Major Prophets 3 Bib 252 Minor Prophets 3 Bib 161 Bible Characters 2 Bib 271 Typology 2 Bib 310 Pastoral Epistles 4 Bib 109 An Introduction to Archeology 2 Bib 280 Historical Books 4 Bib 510 Bible study methods and rules of Interpretation 5 DEPARTMENT OF CHURCH ADMINISTATION:Cad 302 Leadership 2 Cad 403 Advance Christian Leadership 2 Cad 220 Tabernacle 3 Cad 231 Church growth & church planting 4 Cad 140 Sunday School Organization 4 Cad 340 Christian Education 4 Cad 251 Dispensations 2 Cad 170 Marriage &Family Life-1 2 Cad 270 Marriage & Family Life-2 2 Cad 370 Christian &Family Planning 2 Cad 375 Church Administration 3 Cad 380 Divine Healings 3 Cad 420/520 Church Ministry Administration Education 4 DEPARTMENT OF PASTORAL THEOLOGY:Pat 310 Christian Ethics 4 Pat 220 Counseling 3 Pat 230 Pastoral Theology 2 Pat 235 Homiletics-I&II 3 Pat 535 Sermonic Structure 4 Pat 340 Management in pastoral ministry 4 Pat 450 Personal Relations 4 Pat 135 Public Speaking 2 Pat 530 Preaching Biblical Messages and pastoral Ministry 5 Pat 540 Teaching principles and methods 4 DEPARTMENT OF LANGUAGES:Lang 101 English 2 Lang 201 Communication 2 Lang 210 Greek 2 Lang 220 French 2 DEPARTMENT OF MISSION:Mis 101 Evangelism 2 Mis 201/501 Rural &Urban Evangelism 2 Mis 301/501 Missiology 3 Mis 401/501 Global Evangelism 3 DEPARTMENT OF FAITH:Faith 111 Dynamic of Faith 3 Faith 211/501 Philosophy of Faith-I 2 Faith 311/501 Philosophy of Faith-II 2 Faith 411/501 Philosophy of Faith-III 2 RESEARCH:Res 211 Research Methodology 3 Res 311 Book Research 3 Res 221 Project Work 8 Res 321 Thesis 8 Res 421 Dissertation 8 Res 521 Doctorate Dissertation 8 CLASSIFICATION OF CURRICLUM:100 - 199 Freshman/Certificate level courses 200 - 299 Diploma level courses 300 - 399 Bachelor level courses 400 - 499 Master level courses 500 - 599 Doctorate level courses | ||||||||