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Associate of Christian Counseling (A.C.C.)

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CC-102-4  Basics For Christian Counseling

Provides an understanding of the beginning Christian experience.

CC-110-4  Christian Counseling vs Secular Counseling I

Provides an understanding of the Christian Counseling.

CC-111-4  Christian Counseling vs Secular Counseling II

Provides an understanding of the Christian Counseling.

M-120-2  Domestic Violence

A study of the counseling situation in regard to domestic violence.

CC-200-2  David: A Client

David, King of Israel, anointed of God is the total subject of this course. His life from birth to the time of his death is intensely investigated.

CC-201-4  Sin and Psychopathology

Provides an understanding of Sin and Psychopathology in Christian Counseling.

CC-230-4  Pastoral Counseling I

An introduction to the basic principles of Pastoral Counseling is examined in this course.

CC-231-4  Pastoral Counseling II

This course builds upon Pastoral Counseling I.

Elective Subjects: plus 32 credit hours.