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Bachelor of Theology (B.Th.)

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Associate Degree requirements plus those listed below for a particular degree field.

T-100-4  Basic Christian Theology (Soteriology)

An examination of the essential truths of the Christian faith.

T-102-4  Anthropology (Theological Perspective)

The development of an anthropology which focuses on Bible cultures.

T-310-4  Systematic Theology I

A study of the discovery of systematizing and presentation of the truths about God.

T-320-4  Systematic Theology II

A continuation of Systematic Theology.

T-330-4  Systematic Theology III

A continuation of Systematic Theology

T-340-4  Ecclesiology

This course examines Ecclesiology.

T-450-4  Christology

The person, works and attributes of Jesus Christ are examined. Each student will develop a personalized viewpoint of Christ’s total nature.

T-460-4  Bibliology

A comprehensive guide to the authority and inspiration of the Bible

Elective Subjects: plus 32 credit hours.