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Biblical Studies

Covers detailed background of Biblical literature (the genres) that make up the Bible.  By learning the principals of Hermeneutics the student will also learn to do good exegesis of scripture passages. Tap on tile button on the left for course list details.


Covers a systematic defense of the essential teachings of the Christian faith, including a study of the various ancient texts and philosophical issues that faces defenders of the faith. Tap on tile button on the left for course list details.

Christian Counseling

Covers psychology as it relates to Scripture. It includes counseling, dealing with relationships and violence, working through fear, handling pre-marital and family counseling, and working with “truth therapy”. Tap on tile button on the left for course list details.

Christian Education

Covers foundations of Christian education, the philosophical thought from a Christian point of view, building of self-esteem relates to the development process and techniques of home teaching. Tap on tile button on the left for course list details.

Ministry Program

Covers topics from how we can give away our faith through personal evangelism to techniques and methods used in sermon preparation and how to manage a church. Tap on tile button on the left for course list details.

Theology Program

Covers the essential truths of the Christian faith, systematizing and presentation of the truths about God and critical issues in contemporary theology. Tap on tile button on the left for course list details.